Unfortunately there are times when you are not able to travel. Should you cancel a booked hotel stay at late notice, not turn up or leave early, cancellation fees may be incurred. To safeguard against these and any other additional costs, we expressly urge you to take out travel cancellation, such as the one below (or your own preferred travel cancellation option).
The following cancellation conditions apply:
- 30 days before arrival: free of charge. (In this case, the deposit will either be issued in form of a voucher or retained for the next stay at the Schlosswirt)
- 29 days to 15 days before arrival: 50% of the total price
- 14 days to 1 day before arrival: 90% of the total price
- In the event of late arrival and/or early departure, the accommodation (overnight price incl. breakfast) will be charged in full. We will deduct € 20.00 per day for meals not enjoyed (dinner).
Cancellation costs will be deducted from the total price.
These cancellation conditions apply regardless of whether the canceled rooms are fully or partially rebooked. The same applies to early departures. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance, as the cancellation conditions apply in all cases.
Click here to take out travel cancellation insurance.